Contact your international merchants in Rungis

To arrange an import-export partnership for food and beverage products, contact us by filling in the form.



Join our team

If you would like to join our team, click on the offer you are interested in and send us your CV along with a few lines as a covering letter.


Internship in marketing and communications


Speculative application

*Required fields


 +33(0)1 74 02 75 86


Mailing address

1 rue de la Corderie, Centra 318,
94586, Rungis Cedex, France



1 rue de la Corderie, Bâtiment

G5A, rez-de-chaussée, 94550 Chevilly-Larue, France


Free parking

38 rue du séminaire, 94550 Chevilly-Larue

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